Drama and Declamation » Drama


Drama is an extracurricular activity in which students learn about the performing arts and technical theatre. Students will hone skills to be able to create, prepare, and perform two productions per year. With adult support, students are active in the planning, designing, building, and development of the production.  Student leadership and collaboration is highly encouraged.
Drama is a year-round activity. Students may opt to participate in either production or both.  Acting roles are selected through an audition process. Students not cast in the production may be selected as part of the production team to develop skills and/or are encouraged apply to be a part of the production crew. Crew participation involves an application process.
The fall production schedule begins at the end of August through mid-November.  The spring production schedule runs from mid-January to mid-April. Generally meeting dates are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, but not all students are called every day until tech weeks. An informational meeting will be held just before each production begins. Students will be provided with a show specific production schedule and a production contract outlining attendance and rehearsal expectations to take home for parent signature.
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